
Discussions of life's problems, laughs and other assorted musings

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Say What?

Another news story from the "What were they thinking?" file, or as the younger generation says "Well DUH!". Just picture the following scene. A lady returning from a trip to one of the islands approaches customs to go through the normal process of leaving a foreign country. As she is standing there talking to the customs officials, one of them notices an unusual sound. Listening intently to determine the exact cause and location of the sound, the customs officer seems perplexed at first. Finally he looks at the woman and tells her that she needs to follow him into the customs office. She immediately becomes irate and demands to know what the problem is. " Well, there seems to be flipping sounds coming from under your skirt and we need to investigate further." responds the officer. The other officers look at him strangely but are intrigued. Flipping sounds under a lady's skirt? How do you handle that delicately?
The officer summons a female officer to accompany them to the office, thoughts swirling in his head and his face almost as red as the passenger's. Having no official procedure to follow in case of flipping sounds, he decides to proceed with caution in hopes of not looking like a fool. The passenger and the female officer go into the office so the passenger can be searched in private as he stands outside the door. Several minutes later the door opens and a laughing customs officer invites the male officer inside.
Holding up two plastic bags filled with water and tropical fish she says " I think we found the source of the sounds." Believe it or not, this woman had taped the two bags of fish to her thighs in order to smuggle them out of the country! How does one manuever with bags of fish taped to their thighs? Walking might not be too much of a problem especially if the individual is on the heavier side, but how in the world do you sit down in a cab or on a plane with wriggling fish in your lap?
Just imagine sitting next to this lady for a couple of hours on a plane watching her skirt jump and ripple. And what if one of the bags sprung a leak? There's no discreet way of saying "Hey lady, your skirt is sloshing." Wouldn't Jay Leno have a field day with this one!

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